Credit Recovery, through judicial and extra
judicial measures
Consumer relations before regulatory agencies
such as IPEM or the Consumer Protection
Agency (PROCON)
Intellectual property, including the necessary
measures before the INPI. (Brazilian Patent and
Trademark Office)
Corporate Law
Consulting services and analysis of commercial
Practicing in the areas of Tax Law, Employment Law, Commercial Law, Contract Law, Consumer Law, Arbitration, Administrative Law, among others, our lawyers have structured a differential work methodology in order to assist our client in the most pragmatic, preventive and costeffective manner
For the assessment of our clients’ needs, our firm, which is organized by practice area within the mainstream areas of Corporate Law, sends one of its specialized lawyers to work inside the company, following a specific program based on a pre-established number of hours. This system replaces the company's legal department and provides direct legal assistance to the company members (partners), thus streamlining our legal services and warranting a totally personalized rapport with the client.